
Frequently Asked Questions

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What is neurofeedback?

Neurofeedback retrains the brain for improved function and regulation, aiding conditions like depression, anxiety, concentration, sleep, and addiction issues. It uses EEG brainwave recordings and audio/visual signals to teach the brain to be more efficient.

We primarily use Cygnet from EEGInfo, which is an ultra-low-frequency training technique. The brain learns how to better self-regulate its thoughts, feelings, and arousal levels. 

We have also acquired another system that is used specifically for concussions and TBIs. Direct Neurofeedback, takes a tiny microcurrent and feeds it to the brain. The brain will then take what it needs to regulate itself. This system is very effective for traumatic brain injuries. (TBI) and concussions.

Are there any risks? What about permanent brain damage?

Concerning risk or harm, there is no evidence either from our practitioners’ experiences with clients, the clients, or the literature that the treatment is harmful or that it creates or has negative side effects. Neurofeedback is completely noninvasive and painless. Some clients have reported that training seemed to cause temporary feelings of drowsiness or fatigue, as well as occasional headaches. These symptoms were not serious and usually resolve on their own within twelve to twenty-four hours, or they can be corrected by shifting the brainwave target range and electrode locations. 

Typically, these problems resolve quickly. Therefore, you must keep your neurotherapist informed of any changes or negative effects, even if they seem unconnected to neurofeedback so that the training can be modified.

What does neurofeedback help?

Neurofeedback aids conditions like ADHD, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, addiction, depression, anxiety, chronic pain, and more. It offers personalized training in Beta, SMR, and Alpha/Theta protocols.