Neurofeedback is akin to a workout for your brain. We monitor your brainwaves and nudge your brain through visual, auditory, and tactile feedback. Your brain activity is monitored and stimulated in real time, which helps your brain make positive changes to achieve a more stable state. The state of arousal of the brain is a critical factor in rewiring the brain.
We customize the experience for each person, focusing on specific brainwave frequencies and sensor locations. The visual, tactile, and auditory feedback run smoothly when your brainwaves are in the optimum range, rewarding your brain. If there’s a deviation, like going off balance, the video might pause or show a disturbance. This signals your brain to address the issue and get back to a smooth experience.

As you go through the training, your brain learns and retains changes. The brain has an amazing ability to transform itself, known as neuroplasticity. Regardless of age, the brain can change with the right stimulation. Just like sit-ups strengthen your abs, neurofeedback is a powerful tool for exercising your brain. Since the brain is the CEO of your body, directing it to change its firing patterns improves overall brain function, thereby improving day-to-day functioning in all areas of a person’s life.
Neurofeedback kickstarts the brain’s self-healing process, breaking it free from stuck patterns. It enhances communication between different brain regions, regulating the entire brain. With real-time feedback, neurofeedback targets and strengthens essential brain circuits, gently guiding the brain’s rewiring through technology.

Brain Training in Action
Here is a snippet of some of the visuals you may see in neurofeedback.
Types of Neurofeedback Offered
1. Cygnet: Neurofeedback software for infra-low and Alpha-Theta training. The leading software for Othmer-method neurofeedback and training with frequencies below 1Hz.
2. Direct Neurofeedback (Microcurrent): Direct neurofeedback uses precisely calibrated micro-electrical signals to offer “biofeedback to the brain,” guiding the central nervous system towards a balanced state known as “homeostasis.” This balanced state allows individuals or systems to operate optimally despite changes in their surroundings. By assisting brainwaves to become calmer during rest and more adaptable during activity, Micro Current Neurofeedback supports the brain in reorganizing itself, akin to the process of rebooting a computer. The brief microcurrent stimulation (equivalent to 3 trillionths of a watt) in IASIS Micro Current Neurofeedback induces temporary fluctuations in brainwaves, yet the power is minuscule, being one-millionth that of a typical cellphone.
3. Brain Master for QEEG: What if you could see inside? No longer do you have to guess what’s going on in the brain. You can see it happen, in 3D, Live and in your clinic. Introducing the most sophisticated, state-of-the-art, real-time imaging/brain training available. Visualize live activity in the Limbic system, anterior cingulate, fusiform gyrus, Brodmann areas and more by recording 19 channels of brain activity simultaneously – the minimum amount for clinical EEG (QEEG).
Below you will find a PDF containing studies on neurofeedback.
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