QIK Test
The QIK test, a physiologically-based tool for assessing anxiety disorders, depression, and related conditions, aims to provide thorough insights into an individual’s mental health status. This assessment is recommended alongside neurofeedback interventions and traditional symptom-tracking methods. The test consists of a series of challenges, such as the Continuous Performance Test (CPT), which evaluates attentional variables under both high-demand and low-demand conditions. The QIKtest, similar to the TOVA, assesses target and non-target discrimination by analyzing responses to “up” versus “down” stimuli. It measures errors of omission and commission, average reaction time, and reaction time variability over a 21-minute session. The CPT’s ability to reveal a person’s functioning in the arousal domain makes it particularly valuable for identifying specific deficits, such as in ADHD, and for tracking progress in neurofeedback therapy. Additionally, the test’s web-based reporting allows for detailed analysis of individual trials and statistical trends. Complementary to the CPT, a one-minute test offers a quicker measure of reaction time and variability for ongoing progress monitoring. EEG measurements during the QIKtest provide insights into the brain’s response to challenges, aiding in understanding neural network function and potential areas of improvement through neurofeedback. Overall, the QIK test serves as a comprehensive tool for assessing mental health conditions and monitoring progress in neurofeedback interventions, offering valuable insights into the functioning of the nervous system.
Why Use a CPT Test?

Read “The Role of the Continuous Performance Test”
by Siegfried Othmer, Ph.D.
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