
6 Habits to Improve Your Mental Health during COVID-19

We can all get lost in thinking that great mental health is complicated. Especially in these times as businesses are re-opening and a new level of fear may want to get infused. We may want to go back to simple ways we can keep our mental and spiritual health in great shape. Here are 6 ways in which we can take tiny steps toward better health.


1. Exercise, sleep, and eat well 


This may seem to be so redundant, and it is the cornerstone of great mental health. Sleep regenerates the brain through a system called the glymphatic system, very similar to the lymphatic system that cleanses our body. During sleep the brain gets cleansed, and all the toxins are removed. In a similar fashion, food is medicine for the brain and the body. The direct connection between the health of the gut and the health of the brain has become much better known by all of us in the brain and wellness world. Exercise is one of the most powerful brain boosters.


2. Socialize


Yes, we can have physical distance and socialize at the same time. We need to physically distance, not socially distance, and we can engage in seeing our friends and neighbors at a very safe physical distance. Neurons in the brain proliferate when we are with family and friends and when we feel loved and cherished. There are lots of studies that highlight how heart disease, cancer, obesity and diabetes are tied to loneliness. If you have found yourself retreating because of the fear the COVID-19 created in you, start taking baby steps to increase your social connections and you will notice your mood will start to lift.


3. Meditate


Even 10 minutes of slow focused breathing will heal your mind and body. Research is abundant on the ways in which meditation increases the length of the telomeres in our DNA. Longer telomeres means a healthier body that fights chronic illness. 


4. Laugh


We have a ton of oxytocin that flows through the body when we laugh. Also our levels of the stress hormone, cortisol, go down with laughter. The old adage “Laughter is the best medicine” holds a lot of scientific truth. Watch those memes! Enjoy comedy stations, watch comedians on Netflix, and look for light, funny shows to watch. Try keeping a book of jokes in the bathroom.


5. Gratitude


When we focus on the good things that are happening around us, we tend to be happier and less stressed. Each day do a very simple exercise of saying to yourself 3 things that you are thankful for. With this type of mind hacking, we actually change the neural substrate in our brain and rewire it for happiness. 


6. Nature 


This does not mean you have to get in the car and drive 30 minutes to a hike. Nature means just leaving your front door, going outside and getting fresh air, taking a walk in your neighborhood, and smelling all the different plants and trees. The idea is to add more sunshine to your day. Research has shown that getting outdoors boosts your serotonin levels.



At Healthy Within, we are committed to supporting the emotional health of our community during COVID-19. Healthy Within is an integrative brain health center, experienced in helping people re-engage in their wholeness and wellness. We help clients with anxietyADHDPTSD, depression, concussions, OCD, stroke, dementia, and more.


Contact us for more information about how we can help you get your mind back to functioning at its calm, confident self.

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