
Live Better Each Day

Rather than diving in and changing everything about our lives with unrealistic resolutions, completing a couple of baby step micro-habits makes us feel more accomplished and better over time. Since these micro-habits can feel incredibly natural and easier to accomplish, it causes us to feel more hopeful and determined in trying them!



 1. Lie on your back and hang your head and shoulders off the bed for up to two minutes.


Who doesn’t want to stretch on their bed in the morning? This is the #1 thing our bodies need, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic where we’ve been hunched behind our technology for the past year! A simple two-minute stretch will not only get the blood flowing throughout the body and brain but will also give you that energized start that we all can use.



 2. Turn off autoplay and leave the control and your phone next to the TV.


There’s no shame in telling Netflix no! I don’t want to watch another episode!  Letting autoplay move on to the next episode will cause you to go on a watching binge that you didn’t anticipate being on. Rather than mindlessly watching episode after episode, it may be better to get up and grab the remote so you could try to be more mindful with your time.



 3. Add on the cost to your health for any convenience buys.


Yes, smart technology has made things significantly easier for human beings. However, it has also given us the chance to be lazier. Maybe it’s best if we don’t use Siri to read the information for us…must work that brain of yours!



 4. Do extra squats whenever you go to the bathroom.


Sitting has become a common sport for many of us these days. However, sitting for too long can cause our muscles to weaken over time which is why doing a couple of squats a day will be beneficial in the long run. You can squat ten times while you’re waiting for something to heat up in the microwave or when you’re watching TV! Anything that will help you accomplish it easily and naturally.



 5. Balance on one leg when brushing your teeth in the morning and the other leg in the evening.


Balance and coordination can decline as we get older which is why this little step could do so much for you in the future. Better balance means better brain health!



 6. Make sure your butt goes to the back of anywhere you sit. 


As you read this right now, you probably realized that your posture is not the best right now…make sure to actively try this so you develop a proper posture naturally! 



 7. Use mobile websites, not apps.


When you go on safari to access various social media applications, you will be less likely to constantly visit them and doom scroll throughout the day because it doesn’t offer the same enjoyable and addicting experience as the app itself does! A great and easy way to decrease your social media time. 



 8. Follow the 20-20-20 rule.


This is a great method to keep ourselves from looking at the screen for hours on end. Set your timer so that every 20 minutes, you look away from the screen and look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. Reduce the chances of straining your eyes!



 9. Put your phone on airplane mode in another room before going to sleep. 


It has become a natural part of our night routines to go on our phones right before sleeping and to always think we’re going to get notifications while we’re asleep. However, going on airplane mode will let your body know that it doesn’t need to expect anything from this device. You will be able to sleep better and wake up more motivated to take on the day!



 10. Unfollow accounts that stress you out. 


As social media has become more common in our lives, our brains have been filled with the pictures and posts we see on our feeds. Anything we see or hear can affect our mood and emotions which is why having accounts that upset us or make us feel bad about ourselves should be far, far away from our feeds!



 11. Always eat before you go shopping.


It’s so easy to think you’re not hungry before going shopping. The problem is that when you get there, you’re more likely to get tempted by the many fast food places that fill the mall. Make sure you eat before so that you make healthier and more mindful decisions for your body while shopping.



 12. Take a break after your meal before going for dessert.



The brain needs time to register that it’s full which is why a lot of people order dessert right after a meal and end up being too full to finish the dessert. Take a 15-20 minute break so your brain can decide if it’s genuinely hungry still!



 13. Drink water before you eat.


Did you ever drink water before eating food at a restaurant and end up being too full to finish your meal? Our naturally dehydrated bodies need more water. Drinking before we eat can also tell us if we are genuinely hungry or if we’re really thirsty this entire time!



 14. Leave a glass of water by your bed when you sleep.


Leaving a glass of water by your bed is an incredible way to get yourself to drink water in the morning. I mean…how can you ignore it when it’s right next to you? Drinking water when you wake up will reenergize your dehydrated body and soon, you will see the benefits of this little habit.


 15. No sugar in tea or coffee.



Although sugar can make anything appetizing, our brain and body REALLY doesn’t need it. At first it will taste extremely bitter but soon, your taste buds will get used to it!


 16. Wear sunscreen whenever in the sun for long periods.



You might have someone in your life that constantly asks, “Did you wear sunscreen?” Although it may seem annoying, they have a point. Our skin is incredibly sensitive and we must protect it from the sun’s UV rays. Though it may not have significant damage to your body now, you might face the repercussions in the future so find a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 30!



 17. Take vitamin D spray in the winter.


Vitamin D is essential in regulating our body’s immune system. You may have noticed that when the sun is out, you feel more energized compared to when it’s gloomy out. A vitamin D spray could be of great benefit when sunlight is low during the winter!



 18. No screens while eating.


Looking forward to watching Tiktoks or TV while you eat has become an understandable need. Sometimes it’s people’s way of unwinding and having their alone time. However, watching something on a screen while eating can cause you to mindlessly eat. You may eat a full meal but still not feel full after because you weren’t properly paying attention to your meal. This can seem incredibly hard at first considering we’re addicted to our phones but after a while, you will soon see the amazing benefits from it!



 19. Every time you go shopping, buy a fruit or vegetable you haven’t tried before.


Trying new things is always scary. Rather than going in with a mindset that you may not like something, try finding new healthy foods so that you are able to get the essential nutrients that our bodies thrive on!



 20. Whenever you want to doom scroll, do a minute of deep breathing first. 


Raise your hand if you have been a victim of Instagram doom scrolling. It can be so easy for us to keep scrolling even though we’re bored or could be doing something else. By deep breathing for a minute, you are more likely to recognize that you don’t necessarily need to go on an app and you will find something else to do!


Amardeep Parmar’s article “20 Realistic Micro-Habits To Live Better Every Day” has finally given us a list of micro-habits that we ACTUALLY can accomplish! Be careful with this list, avoid attempting to do all of them. Slowly try a few and see how it works with you!

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